the scientific facts


performance Drills:
The following key skills were assessed:
Results - % increases from each group monitored over the 9 week period.
regime 1: Close control
Continually pass the ball against the Angled Rebounder for 30 seconds or until either a misplaced attempt or mis-control. May be half volley or full volley from 1.5 metres.
The test measures how long the player can continuously volley or half volley the ball against the surface and how many successful attempts are made.
Benefit & Result
Continued application of this test measures and improves close control, reaction and repetitive muscle memory. Difficulty can be increased by:
• Using weaker foot
• Alternating between feet
• Increase the distance to the rebounder
• Increasing the tempo and strength of the attempts

Regime 2: Passing
Pass the ball 10 times using either foot from a 3 metre distance. Repeat for both the Curved Ramp and the Angled Rebounder, ensuring the ball is returned successfully to the player after each attempt.
The Accuracy is measured by the % of passes successfully returned and brought under control for both exercises.
Benefit and Result
Continued application of this test will improve the basic technique of performing a ground pass and lofted pass which is a basic skill in the game, both feet can be measured under separate tests and the difficulty can be increased by implementing the following adaptations:
• Use just the strongest foot
• Use just the weakest foot
• Alternate between both feet
• Use the outside of each foot as above
• Move further away from the unit
• Variation on any of the above and change temp

Regime 3: Speed of touch
Pass the ball from 2 metres away into the Curved Ramp using either foot and then control the return using either foot, chest or thigh. Complete 10 attempts and control the ball to the stationary position within a circular area of 2.5 metres in diameter of standing position.
Time the speed of ball control to rest and how many controls remain in the target circle. Aim to improve both speed and percentage of accurate controls.
Benefit & Result
Continued application of this test measures and improves ability and speed of control when making and receiving a controlled pass in a defined area. Difficulty can be increased by:
• Using weaker foot
• Alternating between feet
• Increase the distance to the rebounder
• Reduce the diameter of the target circle
• Concentrate on weakest method of control