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What is the Intercontinental Derby?
What is the Intercontinental Derby  The Intercontinental Derby, also known as the Istanbul Derby, is a fiercely contested football match between two of Turkey's most successful and historic clubs: Galatasaray S.K. and Fenerbahçe S.K. The rivalry between these two teams...
Top 10 Premier league volleys of all time!
In the illustrious history of the Premier League, few sights are as breathtaking as a perfectly executed volley strike. From audacious long-range screamers to delicate flicks, these moments of pure brilliance captivate fans and leave defenders powerless. Join us as...
Skill School - Mastering the Step-Over
The stepover, also known as the 'scissors' or 'double scissors,' is one of the most iconic and effective skill moves in football. Widely used by players to deceive defenders and create space, mastering the step-over can elevate your game to...
Premier League Title race
In recent years Manchester City have dominated in English football making all other teams quite frustrated. Once again Manchester City are thick in the title race however, they are joined by two other teams who will give everything to stop...
Bundesliga- Bayern Munich and Bayer Leverkusen Title Race
The German Bundesliga, one of Europe's top football leagues, has a rich and storied history filled with thrilling title races, intense rivalries, and moments of sheer brilliance on the pitch. Since its inception in 1963, the Bundesliga has been the...
Carabao Cup Final - The Ultimate Guide: Kick-off Time, Date, TV channel & How to Watch
On the 25th February the Carabao Cup otherwise known as the League cup comes to a close. The League Cup, is an annual football competition in England. It was first introduced in the 1960-1961 season and is open to all...
How to watch the MLS- Who can stop Lionel Messi's Inter Miami?
Welcome to our MLS blog, where we dive deep into the captivating realm of Major League Soccer! Whether you're a die-hard fan or a newcomer curious about the sport, this blog is your go-to destination for the reboot of MLS...
How to beat a defender: A Guide to Winning One-on-One Battles in Soccer
In soccer, the ability to beat a defender one-on-one is a skill that can turn the tide of a game. It's that exhilarating moment when you leave your opponent behind, creating opportunities for your team. Today, we'll delve into the...
How to save a penalty
Saving a penalty in football can be extremely challenging, but goalkeepers often use a combination of technique, psychology, and anticipation to increase their chances of making a save. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to save a penalty: Preparation:  Mental...
How to Cross Like Trent Alexander-Arnold
In today’s blog, we are focusing on Trent Alexander-Arnold (TAA) who is known for his exceptional crossing ability. if you're looking to improve your crossing skills and aspire to be able to cross like him, here are some tips:  Technique: ...
What are financial fair play rules?
In the world of football, where emotions run high and triumphs and defeats are part of the game, maintaining financial stability is just as crucial. Enter Financial Fair Play (FFP), a set of regulations crafted by UEFA to ensure that...
How to score like Cristiano Ronaldo
Scoring like Cristiano Ronaldo involves a combination of technical skill, physical prowess, and mental attributes. While it's challenging to replicate his exact style, here are some tips to enhance your goal-scoring ability: Finishing Technique: Ronaldo is known for his clinical...
PROJECT Future Ballers: Episode 2
EPISODE 2 of Project Future Ballers is out now!  The Future Ballers project is designed to put the next generation of talent up to the test and develop their skills and technique along the way. Along with the guidance of coach...
How to pass like Kevin De Bruyne
Passing like Kevin De Bruyne requires a combination of technical skill, vision, and decision-making. De Bruyne is known for his precise short and long-range passes, as well as his ability to deliver accurate crosses. Here are some tips to help...
How to improve your distribution as a goalkeeper
Today, we dive into the goalkeeping world and focus on distribution as a goalkeeper. Improving a goalkeeper's distribution involves honing various skills, both technical and tactical. Here are some tips to enhance a goalkeeper's distribution: Technical skills  Footwork and Balance:...
Wie man wie Lionel Messi dribbelt
Dribbeln wie Lionel Messi erfordert eine Kombination aus Geschwindigkeit, Beweglichkeit, enger Ballkontrolle und schnellen Richtungswechseln. Obwohl jeder seinen eigenen, einzigartigen Stil hat, finden Sie hier einige Tipps, die Ihnen helfen, Ihre Dribbling-Fähigkeiten zu verbessern und Messis Stil nachzuahmen: Enge Ballkontrolle:...
Cardio-Tipps für Fußballer
Die kardiovaskuläre Fitness ist für Fußballer von entscheidender Bedeutung, da sie sich direkt auf ihre Fähigkeit auswirkt, während eines Spiels hochintensive Anstrengungen durchzuhalten. Hier sind einige Cardio-Tipps für Fußballer: Intervall-Training: Integrieren Sie hochintensives Intervalltraining (HIIT) in Ihre Cardio-Routine. Dazu gehört...
Ein vollständiges Glossar der Fußballbegriffe
Heute lüften wir die Geheimnisse der Fußballterminologie. Wenn Sie jemals über Einwürfe, Chipwürfe oder die schwer fassbare falsche 9 nachgedacht haben, machen Sie sich bereit für eine fesselnde Frage-und-Antwort-Runde. 1. Grundlegende Spielbedingungen 1.1 Was ist ein Einwurf? Antwort: Ein Einwurf...
Fußball im Jahr 2024 – Zukünftige Höhepunkte
Weltweit finden sechs Großveranstaltungen statt. Dazu gehören Vereins- und internationale Wettbewerbe, an denen jeder teilnehmen möchte. Afrikanischer Nationen-Pokal- 1 3. Januar - 11. Februar Der Afrikanische Nationen-Pokal (Afcon) 2023 rückt immer näher und die Elfenbeinküste ist zum zweiten Mal Austragungsort...
Fußballfilme, die Sie JETZT zu Hause ansehen können
Fußball ist nicht nur ein Sport; Es ist ein globales Phänomen, das Grenzen und Kulturen überschreitet. Wenn Sie ein Fußball-Enthusiast sind und in die Schönheit, Dramatik und Leidenschaft des Spiels abseits des Spielfelds eintauchen möchten, gibt es keinen Mangel an...
Premier League-Weihnachtsfernsehführer
Die Weihnachtszeit steht vor der Tür und jeder kennt den festlichen Wahnsinn, wenn es um Spielpaarungen im Fußball geht! Wir haben beschlossen, für Sie einen Premier League-Weihnachtskalender mit Spielplänen, Terminen, Uhrzeiten und Kanälen zusammenzustellen. Dies wird es viel einfacher machen,...